This morning we went to "playdate" day at the MFA. They have it once a month for children four and under. It worked out perfectly since I love art and the kids don't care for the museum... but this way there were lots of fun activities for them to do!
Usually I bring a picnic lunch but today we had a special treat and went out for Mexican food. Jane picked the seats by the window so we could watch the trains and buses go by.
We had so much fun at the aquarium last time that we wanted to go right back. We went with our friends Leigh and Hannah who had also just gone recently. We were very brave and drove to a T station and took the subway there during rush hour. It went surprisingly well. I'm very excited to start doing this more often since parking is only $7 as opposed to a LOT more in the city. Plus it makes it more of a fun adventure!
Here's Malcolm and Hannah at the new touch tank:
I think they like the benches with sculptures more than the actual fish!
The kids got to attend their aunt's baby shower at the tail end last weekend. Jane enjoyed doing puffy paint with Lily, and Malcolm enjoyed all the snacks.
We had a wonderful time at Garden in the Woods with the grandparents last weekend. Jane checked off items on a scavenger hunt sheet. I realized they have educational programs for kids that are very affordable, so we'll definitely go back there this summer.
After we went home, we had some cake to celebrate Grammy's birthday!
We can (sort of) all play chutes and ladders together now. I have to do a lot of it for Malcolm, but at least now he doesn't mess up all the pieces anymore!
Malcolm had a fever over the weekend and was so tired he fell asleep on the couch. I felt badly that he was sick, but it was nice to snuggle for a while.