The best part was the yellow submarine. I knew it would be there so we listened to it on the way there. Coincidentally, Jane wore her Beatles shirt!
Here's Jane at the little post office. They had fun with that, although we're angry at the post office right now for stopping the delivery of our mail since our mailbox wasn't tall enough. We're figuring out how to pay all our bills online!
Weaving with a loom:
Playing in the beaver dam:
I love this because this is Malcolm's true smile.
I didn't get any photos of this, but we met a 4 1/2 year old blond-haired, blue-eyed girl from New Jersey named Jane, and her mom was named Sarah. The girls' personalities are exactly alike. Each Jane wanted nothing to do with the other; I think they were weirded out by the coincidence. It was like meeting Jane's long-lost twin!
Here are a few more photos that I took:
This train table kept Malcolm busy for about an hour!
Thanks to Lindsay for telling us about this place!
That is hysterical! The kids looked like they had so much fun, and I do love the picture of Malcolm smiling--wicked cute :) Sorry about the post office thing. We've also had problems in the past--we should talk :)
Cute photos! That looks like a really fun place! Malcolm's smile made me smile! :)
They look so cute playing post office!
I love children's museums. They are so much fun. Malcolm does have a darling smile...such a cutie! And he still looks so snuggly. :)
Oh, don't even get me started with our post office.
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