Friday, November 23, 2012



People have been asking me about how school is going for Jane so I figured I'd write about it here. Jane loves school. I'm very glad she's going for half the day because it's definitely enough stimulation for her. She's made new friends and she loves to show us the projects she worked on when she comes home.

When school first started she was very clingy with me when she got home, but now she's back to normal. She's actually sleeping better at night which I never thought would happen!

At her teacher conference I found out that she's pretty shy and not very talkative at school. Her teacher isn't worried about it. She said that she's observing everyone and figuring everything out. She periodically evaluates all the kids and in two months Jane could already do everything the teacher requires for the whole year. She plans so start challenging the kids who are a little further along in reading, etc. soon, so that will be great.

Jane has been better about helping to clean up around the house and I love when she plays school with Malcolm! Malcolm misses her a lot when she's gone and the two of us are trying to figure out what to do when she's away. I think it will be easier when she switches to morning in January because then Malcolm and I can go to playgroup and storytime. The timing doesn't work out right now since Jane has to eat lunch so early.

She takes the bus every day and she loves meeting new kids who aren't in her class. The bus driver has them sit in order of age and he really seems to have the situation under control.



Our Little Lovie said...

Great post, Sarah. It's so nice to hear that Jane is loving our little town's school. Pretty soon it will be Malcolm's and Hannah's turn.

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

It's great that Jane is loving school and that her teacher "gets her" so well.

Juliana said...

That's wonderful that it's going so well! Jane sounds like a very bright, happy girl!