Sunday, January 1, 2012

Harry Potter

Thanks to Angie's suggestion, we've been reading the first Harry Potter book. The other day I thought it would be fun to make them glasses to wear. They often hold their wands and we listen to the soundtrack while we read!




Angie said...

Can't wait to hear what they think at the end! Those glasses are so cute; what a great idea!

Juliana said...

So cute!!!

Autumn said...

How fun! Do update and tell how they're liking it.

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

I am so-so tempted, but at the same time worried that Anna will be scared and it will turn her off this series forever. HP is one of my favorite books! Cool glasses too :)

Sarah said...

Malcolm usually plays nearby while I read HP to Jane. He perks up when he hears "Percy!"

Jane is really not scared of anything, so none of it has bothered her yet. She loved the part with the troll and Norbert hatching.